Akshaya kumar in BLUE

Kumar has managed a balance of box office hit films and dramatic roles to cement his leap to leading man status. He has risen above the Gods, you may say, but it's time he dives deep down the ocean to meet the sharks. After all, they are God send. Get ready for the ultimate chapter of the adrenaline-fuelled, high-octane action thriller Blue. Chances are, you might just land up in a big fat hungry mouth of the sharks or land up joining his fan club. The choice is yours but there are no options.


Priyanka calls herself the most overworked and underpaid actress

Priyanka Chopra is probably the first actress to have claimed that recession has hit her. It is the general perception that the economic downturn has hit producers, distributors and exhibitors in the film industry but definitely not stars who, in any case, get paid hefty fees.

Source ::Taragana.com